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We are anchored by the simple gospel.


We gather in worship, prayer, discipleship, and community as devoted lovers of God in a vitalizing, multi-ethnic environment.



Our mission is to impart L.I.F.E.

Love Jesus with our entire being by loving His Word.

MATTHEW 22:37-8; JOHN 14:23

Fellowship of the Holy Spirit and live together in the bond of peace.

PSALM 133:1-3; EPHESIANS 4:3

Invade Earth with God's kingdom power and glory.

ACTS 1:8; ISAIAH 60:1-3

Equip the body of Christ for the work of ministry and knowledge of God.




Ryan and Joanne Lee are co-lead pastors whose journey in ministry took a significant turn when, in November 2003, they received a powerful visitation from the Holy Spirit. During this encounter, it became clear to them that God was calling them to be part of an end-time move of God that would impact nations. Following this divine call, a small group of people began gathering in their living room to seek the Lord's will. 


After six months of fervent prayer, on May 16, 2004, God confirmed His promise spoken to them from Genesis 12:1-3. God gave that passage as a covenant to them, “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Though they didn't fully understand the significance of this covenant, Ryan and Joanne obeyed the voice of the Lord, resigning from their previous church and waiting for His assignment. Exactly nine months from the initial visitation, on August 15, 2004, Blessed International was birthed in their living room with a small group of people. Since then, God has led Blessed International to be a blessing to families in Orange County and to extend its impact to many nations and missionaries through the power of the Holy Spirit.


As of 2023, Blessed International has grown significantly and has approximately 200 churches and equipping centers in 15 different nations, including Burkina Faso, Burundi, D.R. Congo, Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana, India, Kenya, South Korea, Malawi, Mexico, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, and the United States. Blessed International ministry has touched lives and communities across the globe, fulfilling the promise and calling God made to them.


Core Values

1. Centrality of Jesus Christ & His Word

3. Worship & prayer

5. Kingdom training & equipping center & discipleship

7. Kingdom business & prosperity

2. Holy Spirit, His gifts, & supernatural life

4. Revival & second coming of Jesus

6. Missions, evangelism, & church planting

8. Education & mercy ministry

Core Values

Where We All Belong

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